Lookalike Audience Is Not Available

Today we're going to be looking at Facebook Lookalike Audiences. In the past, advertisers could use a feature called partner categories to supplement the targeting they do on Facebook with data from brokers, such as recent purchases or household income - data that Facebook doesn't easily have access to on its own.

As previously discussed, there are a few ways to do this: you can upload a Customer List of email addresses or phone numbers, build a website custom audience (WCA) based on a Facebook pixel that tracks a user's behavior on your website, or build an audience using events in your mobile app.

Even though they fire at the same place the Lookalike Audiences they create are very different (if you don't trust me, use the audience overlap tool to check). In Facebook Ads Manager , open the Audiences tool and click the Create Audience button. If you're using Facebook standard events so the Facebook pixel tracks events such as a registration or purchase, you can create a lookalike audience out of those actions as well.

A lookalike audience can only target Facebook users from a single country. This option will help you reduce the overlap between the lookalike audiences. When prompted, select Customer File. Select audience size. NOTE: The fact that two or more audiences are overlapping is not necessarily a bad thing; the important factor to analyze is whether or not they will be competing with each other in the ads.

The next best audience to target is your current customer lists. Below are the key strategies to consider when you start testing Lookalikes, including the selection of your Custom Audience sources. Due to a higher cost-per-click, the 10% Lookalike Audience also delivered nearly 40% fewer clicks than the 1% Lookalike Audience.

From your Facebook Business Page you can set up specialized landing pages for your products, create ads, and target those ads towards a custom or lookalike audience. Use your Facebook fans as your source audience to create a lookalike. While the process of setting up a Lookalike audience is pretty simple, there are some key strategies that can help maximize results with Lookalikes.

If that 1% lookalike audience performs very well, you can always come back and create larger lookalike audiences. This list is compiled and those users are targeted specifically for your ad. Note that it can take up to 24 hours if Facebook is busy. To uniquely track each Facebook Campaign, Sailthru can use the utm codes to create a unique variable associated with a campaign.

We're only going to use the segment of our email list that has bought this particular execution guide as a source audience. Becoming overwhelmed can be extremely easy with all of the different types of audiences, ads, experiments, etc. To do this, first create a custom audience.

I call these audience stacks” because we're going to stack up interests on top of each other in layers and use different types of targeting alongside them. Because, 1% of, say, a website custom audience is different from a customer list you get from your CRM.

You'll do this by going into your Audiences tab in Ad Manager, clicking the Create Audience dropdown and selecting Custom Audience. These are your existing customers and prospects who have just interacted with your website or social media platforms. However, it's important to remember that at some point your new Lookalikes will start having less and less marginal reach due to audience overlap.

If you have an audience, you'll select which Custom Audience to use. In this month's experiment, we tested three Facebook Lookalike Audiences to see whether targeting 1%, 5% or 10% of people work best. I mean that if you leverage videos on Facebook and this is how you acquire your follower base, the same content should be applied to your lookalike campaigns.

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